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A Giving Heart

Each year at this time we turn our attention to giving. Starting at Thanksgiving and going through Christmas, or the celebration associated with your Faith, we turn our focus away from ourselves and to others.

It is a great quality isn’t it?

One of the most important things we can do is to give our time and provide hope for others, especially those in need. As the Whitney Houston song states “the children are our future”, therefore what is better than sharing your heart with the children that most need our encouragement.

On Friday, December 7th, Focus On Your Future will kick off at Saint Vincent de Paul’s Dream Center at 420 West Watkins Road in Phoenix. This first time event, which runs from 4PM to 7 PM, reflects the “heart” of a company I founded, MedHealthIQ. Although we are a start-up, we are looking to be the change we want to see in the world in the area of medical services, products and information for athletes and others worldwide that want the best.

Focus On The Future will also be that change.

By helping the children ages 6-17 of underprivileged families see that they have a bright future. That through hard work and belief in themselves they can build a successful career path in the healthcare and fitness industries. Through us taking the time to talk to them and encourage them, we can provide some change to their lives.

I remember many of the people during my “growing up” years (which are still going on by the way) that spent the time to encourage me. It was the parent of a friend in High School that first took me to a Billy Graham event. It was that PR Director at the Baltimore Colts that taught me during my internship how to best present the organization trading future NFL legend John Elway. It was also an encouraging word from my friend Jimmy Walker last week. Jimmy has raised over $140 million dollars through Celebrity Fight Night to fight Parkinson’s and create their own charity program at SVDP called Never Give Up. Jimmy is also as humble as the day is long.

My hope for Focus On The Future is simple.

Just as Eminem has stated, if his lyrics can help one person they have served a purpose. My belief is that if we can help change one child’s life we have served ours. With the involvement of you and others we can in fact change more than just one life.

We can change the world.

Michael Benson

MedHealthIQ Founder and Encourager 1-480-577-9041

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